الأحد، 9 يوليو 2017
كتب الشهادات المهنية
18 كتاب في الادارة المالية للتحميل مباشرة
كتب الشهادات المهنية
كتب أكاديمية,
كتب الشهادات المهنية
ردحذفCRYPTO ACCOUNT TAKEOVER (ATO) attacks are on the rise and are costing individuals, businesses, and organizations significant financial and damage that are often difficult to recover quickly.
حذفCybercriminals use stolen credentials such as usernames and passwords obtained by malware and social engineering to gain sensitive information, and they’re using that same data to access websites and bankings/Bitcoin accounts wallet to transfer money, execute fraudulent transactions and bring people down to a Zero point financially.
Dhacker is a multinational equipped Hackers come together as a team to track down & to recover whatever that has being stolen from you from the most difficult internet SCAMMERS. NOTE!! We've received countless heartbreaking reports of notorious cyber scammers and we’ve successful recover them back.
contact us on
1⃣Binary Recovery.
2⃣Files stolen
3⃣University Score Graded
4⃣Private Key Recovery
5⃣Wiping Criminal Records
6⃣Blank ATM Card
7⃣FB & IG Telegram Hack
8⃣Phone Hacking.
Relate whatever it is to City Center Of Binary Option Service & allow us give you positive result you’ve always wanted with our hacking skills.
Email 📩binaryoptionservice01@gmail.com pointekhack@gmail.com cyberhackertap@gmail.com we Guarantee you up to %85
CRYPTO ACCOUNT TAKEOVER (ATO) attacks are on the rise and are costing individuals, businesses, and organizations significant financial and damage that are often difficult to recover quickly.
حذفCybercriminals use stolen credentials such as usernames and passwords obtained by malware and social engineering to gain sensitive information, and they’re using that same data to access websites and bankings/Bitcoin accounts wallet to transfer money, execute fraudulent transactions and bring people down to a Zero point financially.
Dhacker is a multinational equipped Hackers come together as a team to track down & to recover whatever that has being stolen from you from the most difficult internet SCAMMERS. NOTE!! We've received countless heartbreaking reports of notorious cyber scammers and we’ve successful recover them back.
contact us on
1⃣Binary Recovery.
2⃣Files stolen
3⃣University Score Graded
4⃣Private Key Recovery
5⃣Wiping Criminal Records
6⃣Blank ATM Card
7⃣FB & IG Telegram Hack
8⃣Phone Hacking.
Relate whatever it is to City Center Of Binary Option Service & allow us give you positive result you’ve always wanted with our hacking skills.
Email 📩binaryoptionservice01@gmail.com pointekhack@gmail.com cyberhackertap@gmail.com we Guarantee you up to %85
أسأل الله العظيم أن يجزيك خيراً ويزيدك علما وينفع بك امة الإسلام
ردحذفالله يجزيك الخير ويزيدك من نعيمه وفضله وعلمه وينفع فيك امة الاسلام يا رب
ردحذفشكرا جزيلا
ردحذفجزاك الله خيرا
شكرا جزاك الله خيرا
ردحذفجزاك الله خير على هذه الكتب القيمة
ردحذفالف شكر
ردحذفمن وين ننززل الكتب
ردحذفشكرا جزيلا🌷🌷
ردحذفشلون احملهن
ردحذفيوم جيد،
ردحذفأنا فورهيس فيليب ، أريد الاستثمار في عملك بحسن نية. لدي رأس مال أسهم
استثمار مربح. كما أنني أقدم قروضًا تجارية وشخصية خاصة بمدة سنوية جدًا
معدلات فائدة منخفضة تصل إلى 3٪ خلال فترة سداد لمدة سنوات لأي جزء من العالم.
هل تحتاج إلى ائتمان بمعدل فائدة 3٪ سنويًا على المبلغ الإجمالي الذي تحتاجه للتمويل أم
50/50٪ شراكة ملكية لمدة 1 إلى 10 سنوات؟ أود أن أعرف اختيارك لـ
تمكننا من المضي قدما في المفاوضات. الحد الأقصى لمبلغ التمويل هو 100 مليون دولار أمريكي.
الاتصال EMAIL: info@voorhinvestcorp.com
عنوان URL لموقع الويب: http://voorhinvestcorp.com/
WhatsApp: +14704068043
معرف الخط: philipvoor
البريد الإلكتروني: voorheesphilip@gmail.com
فورهيس فيليب.
ردحذفالف شكرا
ردحذفالله يفتح عليك
ردحذفالسلام عليكم ممكن عناوين رسائل مقترحة في الإدارة المالية
ردحذفالسلام عليكم لما أحمل الملف يضهر عندي فارغ بدون كتابة ما العمل
ردحذفGood day,
ردحذفI am voorhees philip,i want to invest in your business in good faith.I have equity capital for profitable investment. I also offer private commercial and personal loans with very annual interest rates as low as 3% within a year's repayment duration period to any part of the world. The maximum funding amount is $100million USD.
* Commercial loans.
* Personal loans.
* Business loans.
* Investment loan.
* Development loans.
* Acquisition loan.
* Construction loans
Email: philipvoorhees007@gmail.com
Whatsapp: +393511788587
Regards,philip voorhees +393511788587
جزاك الله خيرا
ردحذفشكرا جزبلاً
ردحذفأجركم الله على فعل الخير
السلام عليكم شكرا جزيلا كتب ادارة مالية حديثة
ردحذفWe have a specially programmed ATM Card that can be used to hack ATM Machines, the ATM cards can be used to withdraw at the ATM or swipe at stores and POS. We sell these cards to all our customers and interested buyers worldwide, the card has a daily withdrawal limit of $5000 on ATM and up to $50,000 spending limit in stores. And also if you are in need of any other Cyber hack services, We are here for you anytime any day.
ردحذفThe prices include the shipping fees and charges, order now!
Here is our price lists for the ATM CARDS:
$10,000 - Per Day - $650
$20,000 - Per Day- $1200
$35,000 - Per Day- $1900
$50,000- Per Day - $2700
$100,000- Per Day - $5200
Contact us via:
Email Address: [smoothhackers006@gmail .com]]
or whatsapp +,3,9,3,5,1,1,,7,8,8,5,8,7
hack into email accounts and trace email location -all social media accounts, -school database to clear or change grades, -Retrieval of lost file/documents -DUIs -company records and systems, -Bank accounts,Paypal accounts -Credit cards hacker -Credit score hack -Monitor any phone and email address -Websites hacking, pentesting. -IP addresses and people tracking. -Hacking courses and classes CONTACT THEM= Brillianthackers800@gmail.com, Whatsapp No: +14106350697 their services are the best on the market and 100% security and discreet work is guaranteed.
ردحذفلذلك وجدت نفسي في وضع قبيح الشهر الماضي. لقد تم اختراق حسابي بالفعل وجربت العديد من الطرق التي وجدتها عبر الإنترنت لاستردادها مرة أخرى ، ولكن تبين أن كل ذلك كان طريقًا مسدودًا. كانوا جميعا مجرد مضيعة للوقت والطاقة. لقد كنت محطما جدا. لحسن الحظ ، صادفت سلسلة رسائل عبر الإنترنت مع بعض التقييمات الرائعة حول رجل تقني ، قال الجميع إنه كان قادرًا على الدخول إلى الحسابات التي يحتاجونها دون صعوبة. أنا شخص متشكك للغاية ، لذلك كنت أشعر بالتردد حيال ذلك في البداية ، لكن لم يكن لدي خيار آخر وأدركت أنني فقدت كل شيء بالفعل ، قررت أن أجربه فقط ، بعد كل شيء ، ليس لدي أي شيء أخسره . لقد اتصلت به ورأيت أنه كان قادرًا على تقديم الخدمة التي دفعتها مقابل ذلك ، فقد دخل إلى الحساب في نفس اليوم المخلص للغاية دون أي متاعب. لقد كانت تجربة مدهشة. يمكنك الاتصال به لأي نوع من الاسترداد عبر البريد الإلكتروني: wizardjames8@gmail.com أو رقم WhatsApp: +1 (863) 254-2842
ردحذفأعرف مخترقًا موثوقًا للغاية يمكنه مساعدتك في أي نوع من خدمات القرصنة. كانت زوجتي ذكية للغاية في إخفاء خيانتها لذلك لم يكن لدي دليل منذ شهور. تمت إحالتي إلى هذا المخترق الأخلاقي وقررت محاكمته. كانت النتائج مذهلة لأن جميع الرسائل النصية من زوجتي المخادعة ورسائل البريد الإلكتروني ورسائل Facebook والمحادثات الهاتفية كانت متصلة مباشرة بهاتفي الخلوي. يمكنك التواصل مع wizardjames8@gmail.com
ردحذفرقم الواتس اب: +1 (863) 254-2842 لأي خدمات تجسس أو قرصنة.
I would like to give my gratitude to Wizard James Services because this site is the only one where there is nothing superfluous going on, they were completely honest and transparent all the way through. They said they could crack my wallet, it took them 4 hours and they took their 20% and left me the rest, Job well done. His contact: wizardjamesrecovery@usa.com or WhatsApp: +1 (863) 254-2842
ردحذفI reached out to Wizard James Services as a last ditch effort after accidentally locking $76,300 of BTC in an old Electrum wallet that I had long since lost the password for. I tried my best to provide possible password variations, but really had no idea what it could have been. He was able to retrieve my password in less than 24 hours! Furthermore, the password ended up being completely different than the options I provided - I am completely blown away!
ردحذفWizard James Services are fast, trustworthy and truly amazing! You can contact him via: wizardjamesrecovery@usa.com WhatsApp: +1 (863) 254-2842
ردحذفA Grateful Client's Experience with Morrison's Recovery Services
ردحذفI'm writing this testimonial to express my heartfelt gratitude to Morrison's Recovery Services for their outstanding performance in helping me recover my lost Bitcoin investment. I was a victim of an internet scam, losing $520,000 in cryptocurrency, which felt like a devastating blow both financially and emotionally. Fortunately, I came across Morrison's Recovery Services while researching options online. I decided to reach out, and from the first interaction, I felt reassured that I was in capable hands. The team at Morrison@cyber-wizard.com Services was not only professional but also empathetic, understanding the distress I was going through. They walked me through the entire process, explaining their strategies and the steps they would take to retrieve my funds. I appreciated their transparency and dedication, which made me feel more confident about the recovery process. Within a relatively short timeframe, I was amazed at how diligently the team worked to track down my investment. Regular updates kept me informed, and it was clear to me that they were committed to their mission. To my absolute surprise, Morrison's was able to successfully recover my $520,000 Bitcoin investment from the scammer! Words cannot express the relief and happiness I felt upon receiving my funds back. Morrison@cyber-wizard.com Services not only helped me regain my monetary loss but also restored my faith in the possibility of justice in the face of fraud. Their expertise, professionalism, and genuine care for their clients were evident throughout the entire process.